ALASKA WEEK OF CODE December 4th – 8th

AK week of code

What is coding?

Simply put, ‘coding’ is giving instructions to computers to do something. It is what makes it possible for us to create computer software, apps and websites. Your internet browser, the apps on your phone, Facebook, and this website – they’re all made with code, by people who code.

Why learn coding?

Computer science informs almost every aspect of our lives, from communications to shopping to national security and government.  Coding is the basic foundation of computer science, and an area that every public school can benefit from teaching.  And the best thing is that ANYONE can learn to code.

Learn from the Experts

How to participate in The Alaska Week of Code

Our goal is simple: Introduce more Alaskan students to coding! Check out the following links for fast and easy ways to get you or your students coding today:

Going beyond The Alaska Week of Code

Register your school’s participation!  Let’s fill up the Alaska map!

Show your work!

Let us know on social media how your class, school, district is participating with the hashtags #AlaskaWeekOfCode and #aklearns.

New Mandatory Training Process


Welcome to the 2016-17 school year!  The following message was sent via district email to every employee on July 12, 2016.  As issues arise and are addressed, any important updates will be added and communicated via this Instructional Blog.


Effective July 1st, 2016, Catalog/Canvas will be the mandatory training management system used by all KPBSD employees.   Last Spring, all employees should have viewed the Catalog Training Video for KPBSD Employees or the Catalog Training Video for Certified Employees and worked through the practice activities.  Both videos are accessible on the KPBSD Shared Drive < Districtwide Staff Shared < Catalog Training Videos.

At the start of your new work year, you’ll need to enroll in the applicable Mandatory Training Bundle and work through your trainings.  Feel free to review either of the above videos as needed to help you through this process.  Time will be provided at your site to work through these required trainings in time for completion by Sept. 1, just as the time has been provided for whole group training in the past.  The attached PDF, Enrolling into a Mandatory Training Bundle provides the specific steps to get yourself enrolled.

The following training bundle options are available:

KPBSD Mandatory Training Bundles

Aide and Tutor District Secretary Pool Staff
Certified Teacher (Kenai and Seward area schools including Moose Pass & Hope) Finance Staff Principal
Certified Teacher (Soldotna/Nikiski area schools including Ninilchik, Tustumena & Cooper Landing) Food Service Pupil Transportation
Certified Teacher (Homer area schools) Guidance Counselor Purchasing
Certified Teacher (Vocational) Homeless Liaison School Psychologist
Coordinators Human Resources School Secretary
Custodian Information Services Superintendent
Director (Instructional) Nursing Staff Theater Staff
Director (Instructional Support) Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapist Warehouse Staff

If you encounter issues that your principal or PD Site Facilitator are not able to help you with, please don’t hesitate to contact Michelle Thomason for assistance via email or at ext. 2366.  While we anticipate a few bumps during this first year of implementation, we expect this process will become streamlined and easier with each successive year, saving the time administrators spent preparing each of these trainings, the time secretaries spent recording these trainings, and the time district office spent monitoring the completion of trainings for each group of employees.  Thanks in advance for your patience and perseverance; we look forward to your feedback being provided through your administrator to help improve this system!

Christine Ermold, Ed.D., Director, Human Resources & Professional Development

Effective Instruction Committee Information: SGMs

The Effective Instruction (EI) Committee met on January 28, 2016 to review the progress of the SGM pilot and discuss the implications of possible regulatory changes related to the December 2015 passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).  Questions regarding the following information may be directed to the facilitator of the EI Committee, Dr. Christine Ermold, or any member of the committee.  Principals have been asked to share the following information with their faculty and organize questions at their site into a single document to help direct the flow of communication through the site administrator.

  • Background: Pending the outcome of the March 2016 State Board of Education & Early Development meeting, 4 AAC 19.010(k) Purpose and Scope of Evaluations may be repealed.  This would remove the state requirement for all educators to pilot a measure of student learning data as part of the evaluation system. As stated in the 1.25.16 State Board packet Agenda Item 3A memo, “It will be necessary for the State Board of Education & Early Development to determine whether or not to maintain the use of student achievement data as part of the educator evaluation process, as well as to maintain or revise other elements of the evaluation process currently required by regulation.  The department recommends a full discussion of possible regulatory revisions as part of … a future board meeting.”
  • Issue: Should the KPBSD continue the pilot of SGM for the 2015-16 school year if the regulatory requirement to do so is repealed?
  • Discussion: Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching and her related research is the foundation upon which the KPBSD Effective Instruction System was built.  The consideration of evidence of student learning is woven throughout the Framework, and the basis for the current Student Growth Map (SGM) can be explicitly found in Components 1F: Designing Student Assessments and   3D: Using Assessment in Instruction.  Evidence of a teacher’s impact on student growth and learning is one piece of the broader picture of teacher effectiveness that the KPBSD values.  The KPBSD Board of Education is required to review and approve any changes to the certified employee evaluation system.  The current evaluation system was presented and approved by the Board on 7/6/15.  Additionally:
    • The original regulation required the use of the state’s approved test as one of multiple measures considered in a teacher’s evaluation.  The future of the state’s assessment, the Alaska Measures of Progress (AMP) is uncertain.  It was anticipated that eventually, educators would build one of the two to four SGMs off of AMP data.
    • The current format of SGMs has resulted in additional record keeping that has been beneficial for some teachers, redundant for some teachers, and unsuccessful for some teachers.
    • Conversations around the data presented in the SGM has proven to result in a positive change in practice for many principals and teachers.
    • In circumstances that the SGMs were reported to be too difficult or too cumbersome, it appears likely that educators’ developing skill levels with SGMs, and the challenge of determining what amount of growth is appropriate for various students with various measures were the source of the challenges.
    • Additional information is needed from KPBSD teachers after completing the current pilot to determine how best to proceed with including evidence of student learning in the KPBSD’s E.I. Evaluation System.
  • Decision: The E.I. Committee recognizes that KPBSD’s current SGM process has both benefits and drawbacks, and in an effort to continually refine and improve the KPBSD’s E.I. Evaluation System, the SGM pilot will continue this school year regardless of the State Board of Education & Early Development’s decision in March 2016.
    • In an effort to ease the burden of additional meetings and paperwork preparation, and to promote authentic conversations around student data with colleagues, all educators piloting an SGM who are being evaluated on the Standard Evaluation Plan in 15-16 may conduct their mid and end-of-SGM reviews within their collaborative teams.  The completed SGM form does not get submitted to district office; it should be kept onsite by the principal.
    • Only educators piloting an SGM under the Alternate Protocol for Tenured Teachers in 15-16 will continue to review their SGM data with their administrators and submit their final form to district office.
      • Please note that it was the intent of the committee that the reviews of SGM progress should occur during already existing meetings.  Therefore, the reviews with tenured teachers on the Alternate Protocol should occur during regularly occurring calibration meetings or informal observation discussions whenever possible.
  • Future Action: The E.I. Committee will meet again this winter to refine the E.I. Survey that is sent to all certified teachers each spring.  Data from the survey will be used along with any regulatory changes and guidance to make changes to the E.I. Evaluation System for the 16-17 school year and beyond.

Assessment Literacy Course Opportunity

The KPBSD Curriculum and Assessment Department is offering certified teachers the opportunity to participate in a 3 credit graduate course to enhance professional practice in the area of assessment design.  Teachers will learn how the assessment experts from AAI (our AMP developers) create high-quality, standards-based, common assessments.  Teachers are encouraged to work in teams to build our bank of common assessments.  All content areas are invited and teachers should seek approval from their school administrator before applying.

Click HERE for more information or contact Melissa Linton at extension x8861 or email


Think Central – Journey’s Update

Think Central

Think Central ran a content update to their online materials recently, and as a result, some online resources have been moved. For example, the Critical Thinking and Thinking Beyond resources have been moved to the Leveled Reader Teachers Guide.

If you find other variances in the online material, please notify Melissa Linton at

Thank you!




Reminder: How to find online Pearson Products

Good Morning!  I hope everyone is having an amazing first day of school!  I just wanted to send out a friendly reminder that if you are looking for instructions on how to access online Pearson Products such as Successnet, Successnet Plus, and Realize you can find everything you would want to know on our district website at:

Have a wonderful school year!

Melissa Linton

Curriculum and Assessment Coordinator




Elementary Administrivia

Please note the following items apply to all levels, K-12.

These items apply only elementary levels:

  • 2015 Enrollment of Accelerated Elementary Students provides guidance on the appropriate course enrollments for elementary students who are academically accelerated.
  • 2015 Early Entrance reminds principals of the required deadlines to notify the Elementary Education Office of any children screened, or scheduled for screening for admission under the Early Entrance policy.
  • The training for the Kindergarten Developmental Profile is now available online at and will no longer be delivered through a webinar or Lync session.


What’s New in Curriculum for KPBSD?

Welcome Back!

New Health Curriculum and Materials


The Great Body Shop program will be the core curriculum material used for Health Education in grades K-8.  Over 40 teachers have been trained in the new materials this summer.  Teachers who have not attended a summer training will receive an email in August to access the online materials. Student subscriptions will be pre-loaded via PowerSchool once student schedules are active. Teacher and student materials have should have been delivered to your schools.

High School Health Course can be taught using the Pearson Health or the Health Course in Canvas (a course developed by our KPBSD teachers in an electronic format)

Health Modules for grades 10, 11, 12 have been identified.  Training for these modules will be offered on September 22. Ideally, each high school will send 1-2 teachers to this training.  Lessons from The Fourth R Plus and Common Sense Media have been chosen as the core material.

Digital Citizenship Program – Common Sense Media replaces ISafe for grades K-12

Common Sense Media Resources – CLICK HERE


2014 Revised Health Curriculum (Great Body Shop and Common Sense Media)

Good morning!

Below are links to the new K-8 Health Curriculum and the aligned Great Body Shop and Common Sense Media resources.  High School Resources will be available in August.

If you have not already done so, there are training opportunities being offered on August 3 and 4 for The Great Body Shop (K-8) and High School Health.  Please visit Generation Ready for a complete schedule of trainings.

See below to access a Demo version of The Great Body Shop Program:

Go to

–  Click on the “Current Customer” tab at the top right corner.

Username:  GBSvteacher

Password:  99669

To review the new health curriculum, please click the following links:

Elementary Health (K-6)

Middle School Health (6-8)

High School Health (Health Course and 10-12 Social/Emotional Modules)